Skull RPG: Game Masters Tell Your Story

FInal Episode - Follow us on YouTube

Dwight and Jacob Scull Season 1 Episode 164

Hey Storytellers,

We started this channel in Sept 2020 and since then we have received 3000 downloads. That is really good for not advertising this channel and just getting organic reach.

Because we do pay a premium for podcast hosting, publishing to numerous channels and helping iTunes audio quality we are switching over to just YouTube because of the costs.

We noticed that as of 3/22/21 we have about 11 - 14 people that regularly download our material. For those of you that do this - we thank you.

We would love for everyone to switch over to follow us on YouTube. will get you there. We have tripled our subscribers in the last month and have good engagement in our comments. We would love to see you over there as well, liking, commenting, giving video suggestions, etc.


Dwight and Jacob Scull